(The cause might have been campfire, it's about 2 meters away from the storage)

Storage is on fire
11 replies

(The cause might have been campfire, it's about 2 meters away from the storage)
simply equip a water bottle then left\right click (sorry forgot which) while aiming at your chest to spray and un-ignite the flames.
You could take out everything, destroy the storage, build another one further away from the campfire.
Or just bombard it with water bottles, not sure if they could be thrown. Has been ages since I last played.
Ninja Desperado
so was I any help?

The same thing happened to my tent! I saved it by striking it, it was kind of close to my fire, so I guess the fire burnt it, sorry about your storage, you can't strike those.
I actually put it out with water, I quickly grabbed the leaves I keept in it and some stones and crafted some water bottles.

On-Topic: It's pretty neat how random things like this can happen in the random maps. Another event is when a plague arrives to your crops!

But yes, simply throw your water at it.

As long as I played Stranded II, that never happened to me. Only some of my plants were on fire because I planted them too close to campfire
.You should always have some water bottles in your inventory for some case

I believe it only happens in the endless mode.

As long as I played Stranded II, that never happened to me. Only some of my plants were on fire because I planted them too close to campfire
.You should always have some water bottles in your inventory for some case

I believe it only happens in the endless mode.
I played (almost) only in endless mode