
Stranded App for iOS and Android?
8 replies

Re: Stranded App for iOS and Android?
Deleted User Quote
A mobile version is not planned


the game(either stranded 1 or 2)
I'm reopening the thread. Concerning the author's question - I'm pretty sure that Blitz3D does not directly work on mobile devices, and I'm also pretty sure that DC won't be remaking any of the old games for mobile devices. There is, however, the possibility of other people making unofficial game remakes - that is, if it is permitted.

I have already find and downloaded sources for Stranded 2 and Blitz3D and exploring the sources

However, this project on the thread link what I posted it would be dead so you have to try it first. The download link is located below of the thread.
Otherwise, if you don't like it then you have to port Stranded 2 for Android yourself from scratch but is a bit hard, anyway if you are really experienced in this and you already got all things then it would be great.

(but I also hate playing shooters with a controller...).
Auto scope which automatically keep aiming at a player/enemie :d , just like shooters game (Modern Combat 4/5)
edit : also world of tanks blitz :d , when u scope , it auto zoom

edited 1×, last 12.05.15 10:29:27 pm