So, when i start the game up i go and increase the resolution in options, and then it tells me to restart. When it restarts everything is normal except the panorama in the menu is covered by a big black box so i cant see anything at all other then the title and menu buttons. Now the problem is that when i go in the game the black box is still there and the game literally unplayable because of the huge black box covering the screen so i cant see a single thing, except the menu and crosshair. at first this happened only when i edited the cfg file to get 1080p but now it even happens in the vanilla resolutions! please help me!

if you need me to post pics or anything, i will, i just want to know if anyone has ever heard of this issue. And i have uninstaled/reinstalled multiple times. PLEASE HELP ME.

edited 1×, last 08.08.14 05:26:24 pm