edited 2×, last 22.01.18 03:58:56 pm

7 replies

Admin/mod comment

The project seems nice. If the game was in English I'd might take actual pleasure from it and invite friends as well.
The game isn't that popular though so I doubt that they will accept it
Edit: special thanks to @

edited 4×, last 13.06.17 07:18:54 pm
edited 1×, last 22.01.18 03:58:42 pm

cool video
I don't want to spoil your enthusiasm but the video isn't that cool as you may think. At first, I thought it was something wrong with my speakers. That speech synthesizer (or is it your voice that monotonous and the quality of recorded audio that bad?) makes the video awful. Chaaange it.

We also made a cool video!
Look: https://youtu.be/lbqcAdwSuNo

Holy fucking shit my ears just decided to commit suicide.
Please, fix this. No sane person will watch this 5 seconds in.

Ye, the audio quality is relatively bad.
Good luck with your project, it's nice to be passionate about something