
which software?
12 replies

I think mouse trail was.
I started with Super Logo and I also used Flash and C++.
However my latest games are programmed in Blitz 3D as HW said (Stranded, CS2D, Stranded II, Minigolf Madness) and CS2D Max is programmed in Blitz Max.
Furthermore I use Paint and Photoshop for 2D graphics and Milkshape 3D for Models.

Nixon,if you want to programm,and you are new to programming,it wont be very easy starting with C++...
i learned it in a few days -.^ its realy easy

I just generated and launched the sample of PacMan and that was it, lol.
I have to say, I'm not good a programming.
/fail at me.

KimKat has written
I tried the free version of Blitz Basic (demo), it's really difficult... probably because I have no knowledge of programming what so ever!
I just generated and launched the sample of PacMan and that was it, lol.
I have to say, I'm not good a programming.
/fail at me.
I just generated and launched the sample of PacMan and that was it, lol.
I have to say, I'm not good a programming.
/fail at me.

You say that you're a /fail at programming and I'm a /mega-n00b-fail at it.
I tried the software, but...

Cracks are "dangerous"
